Meet Dr Amy


Health is a unity of Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual health.

It is vital to nurture all of these different aspects for you to be your best self and have your best life in every way.

Working in London as a Family Physician was both challenging and frustrating as much of the workload seemed to be prescribing medications within a busy clinic setting. I remember listening to an interview with Dr Deepak Chopra and it resonated with me when he said that (during his days in hospital medicine) he had felt like a “legal drug pusher”. Reflecting on the Greek definition of a Physician – “a person who facilitates the body’s own self-healing abilities” I certainly did not feel like a good physician!

Coming to Sydney represented a significant turning point in the way I practiced Medicine. I encountered Functional Medicine. Essentially, this approach is about looking at the underlying causes for symptoms in a holistic framework rather than just using medication to treat the symptoms. This is not necessarily a new concept per se – the perspective of treating the whole person is at the heart of many traditional health systems like Ayurveda.

Mainstream medicine continues to be a great model for treating acute illness and trauma – but this approach has limitations when applied to the global epidemic of chronic illnesses we are seeing today – which are largely due to lifestyle factors. Chronic illnesses also account for approximately 90% of healthcare costs and means that implementing functional medicine in healthcare is even more imperative.

The greatest investment you can make is in yourself and this will lead you to the life that you desire; it is an ongoing process – you can always become more.

If you are a Doctor or any other healthcare professional, I believe it is important for you to be at your best for yourself, as well as being able to deliver the highest care for your patients. I am an advocate of “Practice what you Preach” and “Walking the Talk”. Mahatma Gandhi put it beautifully when he said “be the change you wish to see in the world”.

“The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well”Hippocrates

I am passionate about pursuing an integrative approach when seeing clients, incorporating knowledge and skills from a wide variety of areas including  Functional Medicine, Life Coaching, NLP, Fitness Training, Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda and Energetic Healing – and of course, the wisdom that accumulates over the course of our lives through our own personal experiences- priceless!

To a healthier you and a healthier world…

Thank you and warm regards,

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BSc(Hons) [Biochemistry/Basic Medical Sciences] (Charing Cross & Westminster Medical School, University of London)

MB BS (Imperial College, University of London)

DCH (Diploma in Child Health)

DRCOG (Diploma of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists)

DFFP (Diploma of the Faculty of Family Planning)

MRCGP (Member of the Royal College of General Practitioners, London)

FRACGP (Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners)

FACNEM (Fellow of the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine)

FASLM (Fellow of the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine)

Board Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician (IBLM- International Board of Lifestyle Medicine)

Certificate in Life Coaching, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Time line therapy & Hypnosis (American Board of NLP)

Certificate IV in Fitness – Personal Trainer (Personal Training Academy)

Certificate in Ayurvedic Healing (Nature Care College)

Yoga Teacher Training, (200hrs), Yoga Therapy Foundations (150hrs), Meditation Facilitator Training (50hrs), Tantric Hatha Yoga (50hrs), Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Level One (220hrs)

Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition; a sustainable diet for optimal health (University of Winchester, UK)

Master of Integrative Medicine (Southern Cross University, Australia)

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Slow Butterfly
"How healing your thyroid
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