The end of the year and the onset of a new one really gives a chance to reflect, renew and recharge for the upcoming year. It’s a great insight to reflect upon the year gone by- and when we do, we realise that there was so much more to the year than we would have […]
“You have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future” The link below is to that of a wonderful speech given by the late Steve Jobs (1955-2011) at Stanford University back in 2005. It continues to inspire many and if you have already seen it , watch it anyway and let the […]
Gut health- Look after your gut bugs!
“All disease begins in the gut” – Hippocrates (460-370 BC) It’s quite amazing that Hippocrates stated this all those years ago. How did it get forgotten for so long?! Sometimes the significance of gut health and the bacteria can be overlooked when it could otherwise reduce or even completely treat various symptoms and illnesses. There needs to be a […]
Nick Vujiviv is a truly awesome and inspiring human being. He was born with a very rare genetic disorder where there is the absence of all four limbs (tetra-amelia syndrome). Overcoming the huge challenges and adversities, he has become a motivational speaker, addressing millions in Australia and internationally – including schools and congregations. He has also […]
Ten Fab Foods for your Face – Part 2
Ten more fab nutrient packed foods that work well for the skin -as well as general health. As you will see, there is a pattern of common nutrients needed for good skin – but each and every different food type has its own unique properties that would benefit other aspects of health too, hence the importance of variety in the diet. […]
Above: Yet another beautiful day in Samoa
Ten Fab Foods for your Face – Part 1
What we put IN our face is just as important- if not more- than what we put ON our face! There are certain nutrients that are critical for great skin and indeed some of these are utilised in skin care products. e.g vitamin C (that little wonder again!). Once again, a balanced lifestyle that includes […]
Back to our Roots!
The global epidemics of obesity , heart disease, diabetes and cancer together with the increase in so many other illnesses such as autoimmune disease and mental illness is of great concern not just for us but for several generations ahead. Let’s just go back a bit and ask- what ‘s going on and why all […]