Creating ripples

feb blog-ripples

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”  Mother Teresa

Thank you again to another wonderful group of women who attended  yesterday’s workshop. It gives great satisfaction to help women  see what could be going on with different aspects of their lives and bring some hope that they CAN get better- and not just suffer in silence (whatever may be going on) and “plod on” without answers because their results are “normal” or because there are no medical labels that fit them. Creating a positive ripple effect is potentially extremely  powerful- and so important in a world where there is mis-information and mis-guidance- even from those you’d least expect it from.  To think that positive messages and information will filter to others from those that were present is deeply satisfying. It is our hope that those women who attended will be on a path to  better health not only for themselves, but also  positively influence other people in their lives- priceless. For those looking for answers, on a quest, a path- I cannot emphasize enough-  follow your intuition. Don’t accept that there is nothing more that can be done for a particular diagnosis/symptom/situation or that  just because investigations are “normal”,   that there is nothing wrong. Well, OK –yes you could be an absolute hypochondriac! –  but ruling that out, you are the Captain of your Ship– take control of your health and life.  The appropriate support will be out there if and when it is warranted. First and foremost, trust in yourself. To creating lots of ripples in Oz and beyond … Dios te bendiga,  X

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